'Somebody's getting married" - The Muppets and Disney's Fairy Tale Wedding Music So

Many people nowadays are going with a theme or a creative element that remains constant for entire length for their wedding day.
Just about everyone who grew up watching Disney's animation and the Muppets Show remember their catchy soundtracks and tunes. Most of Disney movies have a love story plot which culminates with a major love song sung by the main characters. Some of these love songs today are famous as the films themselves. For the Processional couples tend to request instrumental versions of these lovely melodies which helps with the natural flow of the wedding, thus showing some personality while still keeping close to the tradition of the proceedings.
If you are a big Disney or The Muppets fan, a true romantic or just someone who loves these movies and their theme songs use the theme for your wedding and select the music for the different parts of the wedding celebrations: from the wedding pre ceremony music songs to a Father-Daughter dance and the Cake Cutting.